Found 2 blog entries tagged as Georgia.

"Builder Wars" begin in FT Gordon & Grovetown, Georgia Area


While Animal Planet's Whale Wars take place in the icy Antarctic waters, the builder wars are just getting heated up in Grovetown and the Augusta area overall!

Since the arrival of Crown Communities a.k.a. Pillon Communities about 18 months ago in Augusta our real estate market has seen dramatic changes. While Crown captured a lion's share of the new construction business, it didn't go unnoticed. Local builders have adjusted construction methods and pricing while more "out of town" builders mainly from the Atlanta market have arrived on the scene. It's been very interesting to watch and the competition continues to increase especially in the Grovetown area targetiing the lucrative FT…

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Those who are familiar with the current new construction sales activity wouldn't believe it, but I Friday night at 7:30 PM these are just some of the cars outside the Crown site office in Willhaven community.  On Friday night most realtors and builders are doing other things but this is an exception. There were well over a dozen cars, buyers and contracts being written in tours of the model home.

Crown Communities is making a big splash in the Augusta area. The homes are offering incredible value along with high-quality materials. There are currently five different developments scattered across Colombia and Richmond Counties and more to come. 

Augusta is on the map for new construction activity.  In Willhaven alone, 110 homes are either under…

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