Recently Construction business owner, Hugo Diaz and his wife Blanca we arrested on various charges including money laundering conspiracy and harboring illegal immigrants.  His company is named De La Fuente Construction.


The building community has claimed Hugo Diaz, "has been undercutting everyone in the market by 30 percent or more.” 

There is much controversy about this issue and enough pointing fingers to go around.  Questions have been raised about local government officials as well as local businessmen using his company . 

At the end of the day, do the “below market” prices of labor translate to lower costs to consumers buying homes? 

Will a crackdown on the workers mean rising construction costs as well as construction delays?  It…

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I know many of you are sitting on the fence of whether to buy or rent.  Daily I have conversations with my clients about housing options.  At least in the greater Augusta area with the low interest rates we've been enjoying, renting is often not the most logical answer. 

Question such as "will prices go lower?", or "I'm in the military and will only be here for 3 years?" come up all the time. 

The real answers in my opinion lie in the interest rates that are currently at rock bottom levels. 

Regarding the first question, it's hard to know for sure but price patterns are emerging depending on price range, location, and age of the home.  Overall, our prices are pretty stable however some areas are rising while others continue to fall.  If you are…

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